Why Gracie Greene
The Problem:
Profound poverty leads to a lack of education and a lack of education results in poverty. The despair here is so great that the trafficking of young girls is one of the most serious human rights violations facing Cambodia.
We Need You
"We will never have a civilized society if we continue to tolerate human trafficking". Gracie Greene creates products that will engage people in the fight against human trafficking. Your power as an individual also translates into your power as a consumer. What you choose to buy and wear can change the world.
You can choose to buy goods that support education. You can choose to buy products that patron opportunity, and human rights. You can choose to spend on more meaningful items. You can choose to support Gracie Greene and The Giving Three" Foundation.
Every bag you buy comes with an IMPACT card conveying exactly how you've changed a life. You are part of the mission, now. The Giving "Three" Foundation receives proceeds from your Gracie Greene purchase and those funds are used to support the needs of the Zahn School. Educating these children will give them hope and create opportunity. It's personal. It's tangible. It's real. #jointhefight
The Solution
Offering a safe and cost free learning environment, in rural villages close to home can break the cycle, taking students from poverty to opportunity.
CIF offering family intervention and/or placement of children into vetted loving families.
We are convinced that education is the most effective way to fight poverty and human trafficking.
The Giving "Three" Foundation 501(c)3 supports initiatives working to help take children from oppression to opportunity, every person is entitled to basic human rights, growing up safe, healthy, educated and fed are among them!
At Gracie Greene, our passion is producing hand-bags that are environmentally friendly, hand-made, and, of course, fashionable!
Walter Rivera, our craftsman, takes our designs and makes them a reality—on their own, crafted from designer leathers, ballistic nylons and vegan leathers these bags make a statement but they are also a powerful reminder that you are helping to make a change!
Our mission to save a life one bag at a time, and our incessant quest to find designs you'll love, propel us further into a world where fashion has the power to bring about change.

My call to action for human trafficking came after reading the book Half The Sky by Nicholas Kristof. I could not close the book and do "nothing." This is when Gracie Greene was started. Our goal is to sell great quality items, made in the USA to raise awareness and funds to support the Zahn School in Cambodia. We are convinced that education and a safe and nurturing home are the most effective ways to fight poverty and modern day slavery. By educating the students in Cambodia we will also help to create opportunities for them.
"We will never have a civilized society if we continue to tolerate human trafficking"
Our choices of what to buy and what to wear have the power to change the world.